Affirmations are positive short sentences you repeat on a regular basis. You use these affirmations to achieve a goal or to change a conviction. Be repeating affirmations on a regular basis, you program your sub consciousness. You will notice you will let go of your fears more easily, that it’s easier to attract prosperity, and that you will think more positively about yourself. It’s important to regularly repeat the affirmations. Pay special attention to the following issues:
Tips to make an affirmation successful. I’m saying tips, but these are very important issues to let your affirmations succeed and to learn to manifest yourself:
1 Say the affirmation out loud and say it with love. Sound is an important energy we can work with. So add sound to a thought by saying the affirmation out loud. Because you are placing a wish in the universe, it is important you do this respectfully. Say your words with love and you will be listened to with love.
2 Try to feel what you want to manifest. By feeling what you want to achieve, you greatly empower the affirmation. This isn’t easy, but it’s definitely worth a try. If you feel something that isn’t there yet, it is much closer than if you don’t do it at all. Just try.
3 Visualize that your wish is already achieved. Visualizing is an extremely powerful force when manifesting. So if you say an affirmation, visualize that it’s happening, that it’s already there. Also regardless of the affirmations, it is very helpful to ‘daydream in images’ that your wish is already the truth.
4 Focus on one wish/goal. Nowadays, there are so many choices, making it difficult to focus on just one wish or goal. This is however very important. All the attention will then go to it, and you can focus yourself better and the energy will not be scattered.
Louise Hay
In 1984 Louise Hay a Practitioner published You cab heal your life, a guide to changing thoughts and beliefs. Hay’s affirmations are designed to help the user re-program their thought patterns. She is very famous about using affirmations.
5 Write down the affirmation/goal. You can write down your vision or goal, but make sure you do it in the present tense. As if it’s already reality. If you need a new house, write a card to yourself to congratulate yourself with the new house… be creative. Put the affirmations on the fridge, so you will be constantly reminded of them.
6 What you ‘need’ is more important than what you ‘want’. If you want more wealth when you already have a lot, you can wonder if this is the way it’s going to happen. If you ask for more money to just spend it on nice stuff, it probably won’t work. If you ask for money to help poor people, the chance of succeeding is much higher.
7 Believe in what you want to change. If you say an affirmation, but deep inside believe in something else, it will take a long time before you achieve anything. If you for instance wish for prosperity after a life full of disappointments, it can be hard to actually believe in it. So try to let go of these negative feelings.
8 Keep going, don’t give up. Even if it doesn’t work in the beginning and it doesn’t seem to work, keep going and don’t give up. Keep saying your affirmations. Once you start seeing small positive changes, immediately claim your power and accept you were a part of this co creation of this event. It is of course also possible that you’re just not ready for a certain change, and it can take a lot of time because of that. You can then lovingly embrace every small positive change on the path to the real change.
9 Gratitude. Always say thanks for the gifts. Thank the one you identify with, this can be God, the Angels, Ascended Masters, Mother Mary, Vishnu, etc. Doing this is very important, because it keeps the wheel of gratitude and energy spinning.
If you manage to use affirmations and keep in mind the nine golden rules, there is a big chance you will succeed in using this strong spiritual instrument.
You can use the positive affirmations app to start using affirmations. Now, there’s an app with guided meditations combined with visualization and feeling.
Source: http://bit.ly/2xMLTDW