Jeff Renel Shay Sisler
Jeff Renel
Founder at The Sacred Art of Healing
The Sacred Art of Healing offers many different ways to assist you in connecting to the mind, body, & soul. Here you will find Certified Practitioners for one on one sessions and Instructors to guide you through the journey of life. Every Soul is on their own personal journey in their own experience. Every person is different with different needs and finding that special love within is the key to life. We believe that everyone has a special gift to give to creation and we would love to assist you in your journey of life.
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Shay Sisler
Founder at ShaySisler.com

My name is Shay Sisler. My given name is Sheryl. In 1996, I decided that I needed to separate myself from a coworker with the name Sheryl. People always want to shorten your name which means I was called Cher by some. I decided I liked the name Shay better than Cher so that it is the name I chose to use. I think this was the beginning of my mantra, Be The Change. If you don’t like the way something is, do what you can do to change it. It starts with you.
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