I had the opportunity to speak with Ivy. She is very talented.
See what she said!

Hello, lightworkers!
I'm Ivy Brooks, a local Las Vegas Copywriter, Author, and Small Business Consultant. Mostly I stick to writing powerful content that “gets the job done”. Although I'm not a spiritual service or healing practitioner, I believe I heal people and improve their businesses and confidence by leaps and bounds, and I respect how you've all centered your lives to help others on such a deep, courageous level. Because I “do the work” on myself, I've come to know many of you over the 3 years I've been in Las Vegas and I hope to get to know more of you. Just since the New Year, I have helped many practitioners in the community with my writing. I've given a few Linkedin Makeovers that have been fruitful (professional copy, graphics, articles that improve SEO, and Linkedin messaging scripts that charm any connection no matter their background). I've also written some articles for local publication, announcing projects and events, and a GoFund Me page that is sure to further solidify the commitment of one practitioner's following. Some of the main challenges I've been helping practitioners with are growing and satisfying your audience through means that fit your mission and schedule, and pricing (structure of products and services and the confidence to ask for what you're worth). Anyone who is drawn can email me at thecopywritertoknow@gmail.com, or call/text me at (702) 712-1712. Thank you for your eyes and ears!